
Monday, February 21, 2011

It's about Time for a New Post!

There have been a few happenings in my life since my last post so I apologize for not updating sooner. Here's a quick recap of what's happened since the beginning of the year
  • I started "training" for the Boston Marathon but have had difficulty due to freezing cold weather and less free time to run.  
  • Tom and I had a good friend from DC come up for a weekend. We learned to ski, toured the area, ate lots of Vermonty food, and enjoyed the company of our great friend.
  • The session started up again for Tom so he's rarely home. However, neither am I, see below. 
  • Last week I said goodbye to Hannaford after working there for 7 years. My mom and I put in a combined 42 years with the company. Crazy!
  • I started working part time at a great, new bakery in Essex, My Little Cupcake :) It's heaven
  • I discovered why I'm missing all of my hair ties: Wilson steals them off tables or out of my hair and runs away with them. Where he puts them, I have no idea. I had to buy a new package of them last week. Makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the one that's misplacing them.
Last Sunday when I got home from the bakery I was exhausted and hungry. Thankfully Tom was around and he cooked up a delicious pre-Valentines Day dinner for us. It's been a long time since I've had something that delicious! He made surf and turf: beef tenderloin, scallops, asparagus, and bread. The beef was incredibly tender and I couldn't get enough of the asparagus. The lemon made it delicious!

He finished the meal with a delicious parfait creation: chocolate chip ice cream, strawberries, raspberries, vanilla cake, and homemade whipped cream (that he made on his own!). Only, I was too tired to stand and too excited to eat it to get a good photo of it.

    1 comment:

    1. so awesome! That dinner looks d-lish! And Orange LOVES hair ties! Look under your fridge and stove im sure you will find a ton ;)
