
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Boston: Marathon Weekend is Here

I think my mind is finally starting to realize that I'm running Boston in two days. I had a dream last night and in it I was running a good portion of the 26.2 miles on a treadmill with one of my co-workers (somehow that was allowed?). When I got off the treadmill I went into a Hannaford but couldn't get out. The store was so large that I couldn't find the exit. I was worried that I'd never finish the race.

Hopefully none of that will happen Monday.

Because I've never run or watched the Boston marathon I have no clue what the course looks like. Of course I know to expect hills at the end, right where it hurts, but that's about it. It was very helpful to find this site last night. It allowed me to visualize the race in only a few minutes. It was way easier and less painful to do it this way than actually running it. An it certainly got me excited for what I'll encounter.

Tom and I are heading to Boston this afternoon. I'm packing - trying to think of anything that I may want when I'm down there. I'm so set in my routines that I'm even bringing my toaster. I don't want to take any chances.

Wilson must think I'm absolutely nuts to bring it along. You see, I neeeeeeeeed toast with peanut butter and bananas every morning. Oh - and  I definitely can't forget a huge glass of milk. Monday morning may call for chocolate milk....

If any of you are into athlete tracking, my bib number is 14591. You can sign up for alerts here. Like I've said before, I'm not shooting for a PR. I just want to enjoy this experience. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog from a post on smoked paprika, I'm definitely going to have to try the beer chicken. I made beer braised Tilapia in a similar recipe, but adding smoked paprika is a great idea.

    Good luck at Boston! Although I haven't run it, lots of friends tell me that Boston is a fun race on a tough course. Congrats that you made it there, enjoy the experience!
