
Thursday, July 14, 2011

CSA: Week 3 Recap

This last CSA week was loaded with fresh fruits and veggies and it didn't help that we decided to go berry picking on Sunday. We came home with 7 lbs of blueberries and a carton of raspberries. Yuuuummmmmm.

This week's CSA consisted of: mesclun greens, peas, baby pearl onions, Zucchini, garlic scapes, kale (I had never tried it before!), green tomatoes, red beets, and frozen squash puree. 

Thursday night we made homemade pizza with the onion and kale from our CSA. While the pizza was baking Tom was busy making a batch of mint-oreo ice cream to enjoy while watching Harry Potter. We've been having a marathon over the last few weeks in order to get ready for the last movie. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to watch the 6th and part one of the 7th, so we won't be at the midnight showing tonight. 

Licking the ice cream maker's bowl clean!

As I mentioned in my last post, we used many of our veggies in our Thanksgiving feast. Sunday, after our berry picking, Tom cooked up a batch of Greek salad, with turkey of course! We also got to use up some parsley and cherry tomatoes. 

Tuesday night came and so did the weekly scramble-to-use-up-our-veggies-before-the-next-delivery-meal. I roasted my second batch of beets, and sauteed the kale and summer squash with the onion and scapes. 

This week's CSA is very exciting, and includes basil and heirloom tomatoes! 

Now some questions for the readers....
1. Since we don't have a garden I'm curious about yours. How is it doing? Have you been able to harvest anything yet?

2. Is anyone heading to see Harry this weekend? I doubt we'll get the chance as we're heading to a wedding - but next weekend! I'm excited to see it but I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry when it's over. It's been great  growing up with Harry. 

1 comment:

  1. I already have a bunch of little veggies coming! My tiny tim tomatoes are ripening slowly but surely, and with this heat, I bet they're going to be ready soon!!

    You'll LOVE Harry Potter! Eeee!!!
