
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thanksgiving in July

Saturday night we hosted a Thanksgiving-in-Summer feast at our tiny apartment! The idea came about last weekend when I pulled a turkey out of the freezer that I had gotten for free at work last fall. It sat in the fridge all week, and come Saturday morning we realized it had been thawed a few times previously. Not wanting to make anyone sick, we decided to bag the full turkey idea and picked up a few turkey breasts at Hannaford. After a morning stop to the Montpelier's Farmer's Market we had ourselves some fixings for a feast.

Our menu included:
  • Pete's Greens' cherry tomatoes, Pete's Greens' basil, and Maplebrook mozzarella salad. 
  • Cabot cheddar cheeses and crackers

  • Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (made by Tom)
  • Blueberry and Raspberry Pie (made by me)

Needless to say, we were stuffed after dinner. But seriously, who can pass up homemade pie and ice cream?


  1. It sounds delicious! I am going to try that zucchini! And thank you from our farm family owners for serving Cabot Cheese!

  2. Mmmm! Suena delicioso! Estoy celosa. =)
