
Monday, October 3, 2011

Leaf Peepers Half Marathon

I really should not be on here when I have so much homework to do, but I know that if I don't write now then I may never write.

Just don't tell Tom. 

Crap. He reads this. He's totally going to find out....

We made it!
A post-race photo including the race winner, Joe (second from left)

Anyway, as I mentioned on Saturday, yesterday was the Leaf Peeper's half marathon. It was a rainy, cold, 46 degrees morning. Normally it would be a day where I would say "screw it. I'm not running." But fortunately I had a bunch of friends running the race and I couldn't wait to see them again. Being in school means I miss out on a lot of socializing opportunities, so I have to take any chance I can to see people.

Sadly, Tom didn't get to run. He has nasty bursitis in his hip :( It sucks to have to sit out on a race, but best for his recovery. He was a great sport, and an even better cheerer. He drove out to the race course and was one of the few spectators there to cheer us on. 

This year each runner got a long-sleeve shirt as well as a jar of Bove's pasta sauce with their entry. I freakin love Bove's pasta sauce! And one of the best things about this race (besides getting the whole VT running community together) is the fantastic Vermont prizes that are given out to the winners.

I placed first in my age category and got a bunch of goodies: more Bove's, Green Mountain Coffee, VT Honey, a gift certificate to Red Hen Baking Co, and a beautiful blown glass vase from Mad River Glass Gallery. My favorite part was when the woman said "Oh wait! Let me give you your nuts! I was keeping them dry in my pocket!" And she took out a small package of maple sugared almonds. 

Getting my "nuts"

I ended up beating my half marathon PR by 3 minutes and got a time of 1:34:56. I'm enjoying the success that comes with not setting goals for myself before a race (like when I ran Boston). I had no strategy going into the race, and therefore put no pressure on myself. The result was that I didn't care too much about splits and instead focused on my breathing, my stride, and how I was feeling.

For the time being it appears that there will be no more racing for me this year. Next race: Boston, baby!

1 comment:

  1. so happy for you dani! you did wonderful! :) I am so glad she didnt forget to give you your earned them! ;)
