Once again I'm linking up with Megan at the Happy Day blog
Dear Monday: I completely forgot what day it was. This whole vacation from school has mixed up my internal calendar. This may be one of the few Mondays that I wish would never end, only because school starts back up tomorrow. I'm so not ready.
Dear Vacation: You were the longest vacation I've had since I started working the summer before my junior year in high school. That is sad. But you were awesome. I got to catch up with many people that I haven't seen in months or even years! For the first time in years I was able to experience the holiday season without worrying about work. I did more baking in one week than I thought possible and got to do some much needed cleaning around the apartment. Tom and I watched Black Swan, Hugo, and Lion King, and had plenty of time to relax with each other and family.
Dear Danny and Matt: Thank you for hosting the NYE fiesta. It was a fun time and was great to see you both!
Dear Chocolate and Baked Goods: I've decided to give you up for a few days and it's killing me! The cupcakes, fudge, and chocolates from my stocking keep calling my name.
Dear fruits and vegetables: I totally neglected you during the holidays. I'm sorry. But I'm definitely making up for it now. I've consumed more of you today than I thought possible.
Dear Cold Weather: I would appreciate it if made your stay here as brief as possible. Training has been going so well and I would love to keep running. How do others keep running during the cold?
Dear Wilson: I hope you're ready to guard the house by yourself again. Tom and I head back to work/school tomorrow. You'll no longer have a lap to sit on during the day, a hand to rub your belly, or a shoulder to climb on. Sorry.
Dear Brain: Please try to retain as much science info as you can in the next two weeks in preparation for the Praxis. That's all I ask. You really should take a break from the blogging world to get back to the educational world and focus on your future. Thanks, self.
Just stopping by from dear monday link up! I totally agree with you, I need to lay low on the chocolates and sweets for a few days and fill up on fruits and veggies! I LOVE baking and I do the same thing, run so I can enjoy the goodies! Cute blog! :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, that cat picture makes me SO HAPPY. Enjoy your last bits of vacation... I go back to work at my school tomorrow. Boo! Happy Monday and Happy new YEAR!
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday Dani! Just stopping by from Dear Monday. Congrats on the vacation; I can't believe you haven't gotten to rest this long in a while! Plus baking is awesome, so I'm a fan. Good luck on giving them up!