
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Creative Dani: Recycled T-Shirt Seat Cushion

Yesterday I became victim to the cold that everyone in VT seems to have. What a bummer. Thank goodness for Cold-Eeze and orange juice.

A month and a half ago, when I was healthy, I got into a creative funk. I had bunches of old t-shirts that I no longer wore. They weren't good enough to donate but weren't bad enough to throw out. What could I do?

That's when I did a little research online and found t-shirt yarn. It's yarn made out of a t-shirt, cut into one really long piece of fabric and rolled up.

Growing up we had tons of braided fabric rugs around my house. My Grandmother Cloutier had made them long before I was even born. Although she made the rugs out of fabric scraps, I thought that the t-shirt yarn would work just as well. It was quite easy (and fun) to braid the yarn together, but took a bit longer to sew since I did it by hand.

My yarn wasn't long enough to make a rug, but it was the perfect size to make a seat cushion. I called it my "Junior Mint Cushion" because it was made of brown, mint green, and white shirts.

I have a ton of t-shirt yarn balls left so perhaps a rug will be my next endeavor. But for now, my focus is lesson planning (my month of solo teaching starts tomorrow).

Oh. And the Superbowl.

Go Pats!

P.S. I considered posting a tutorial for the cushion but didn't know if anyone would be interested. If you want to see one, please leave a comment


  1. Of course I am interested! Love the cushion!

  2. Ok, I've had a few request so a tutorial will be coming. Hope to have it up by the end of the month!

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