
Friday, February 24, 2012

Wilson Loves New Duds

Exciting news for all those cat owners out there. New Duds is giving away a pair of their super-awesome, Wilson-approved catnip Eyeballs. Their giveaway ends on Monday (2/27) so you need to hurry yourself over to their blog to enter!

Wilson loooooves these things. We've gotten him two sets of eyeballs over the last two years and he's bonkers for them. 

He knows I have them when I walk into the door and attacks my purse immediately. And there's no use in wrapping them for Christmas because they only last 5 seconds on the floor before he's at them. 

 While you're checking out goodies for your kitty, you  might want to check out the New Duds shop for humans. They design and print their own t-shirts and scarves, and Tessa makes beautiful purses!!

If you're not a cat owner don't fret. Dogs actually love these eyeballs too. Wilson's best friend Story loves to find them around our house when she comes over. In fact, she may need to come soon since Wilson managed to loose all four of them...

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