
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boston 2012: Training Update and Marathon News

Running over the last week was amazing. I'll take 70-80 degree weather in March any day! Here's a quick recap of my training last week....

I'm trying to break in a new pair of sneakers before Boston. I get soooo excited for new sneakers. They're clean, they're colorful, and they feel like I'm floating on clouds!

I was totally in love with the green and plumb combo

...Until the blisters strike. I don't know what it is about the Asics GT-2160's, but I'll be cruising along fine and then all of a sudden those shoes need to come off. NOW! The pain in my heel comes out of no where. I did a 12 miler in them on Sunday that went fine, but when I tried a 4 mile tempo run on Monday my feet had had enough.

The sneaks went back into the box for a few days while my heels recovered from the new blisters.

Yesterday I did my last 20 miler before Boston with my friend Rachel. We're both doing Boston and have  been doing our long runs together. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have someone with me. Especially yesterday. I hit a little mental wall around mile 10 but she kept me going.

I discovered that I had a battle wound when I got back. I have had the tendency to kick my right ankle bone with my left foot for years. I kicked it so much yesterday that it was cut open and had a chunk of skin missing. I'll save you guys from having to see the photos (yes, I am the freak that took photos of her bleeding ankle). Hopefully I can get it healed up before the big race so that I do not have to worry about it then.

Today my legs are a little too sore to do any running. Trust me, I tried. I made it 58 seconds before I had to stop and walk. I got in a grand total of 3:15 minutes of running. Oh well. The best thing for me now is to take it easy and stay healthy for another 22 days.

A look at the last month of training from Not too shabby

Gosh. Can't believe Boston is that soon!

And now for the News!

After watching the NYC Marathon on TV last year I knew that I would need to run it someday. My 25th birthday was a few weeks ago it was then that I realized that I really am getting older the longer I wait. Who knows how long I'll still be into running (hopefully for a long time!), or how long I will physically be able to run.

My half marathon time from Leaf Peeper's was fast enough to get me a guaranteed entry into the marathon, and for the last few months I've been toying with the idea of signing up. It was hard for me to justify spending $250 for an entry, plus the cost of the entire weekend in NYC. I don't know what changed my mind last weekend, but as soon as I got back from my 12 miler and I did. I registered.

I found out I was accepted on Thursday while I was substituting a math class. It took all I could not to jump around the room. Needless to say, I'm quite excited about this year of running!

1 comment:

  1. You must be so pumped for Boston! (I'm excited and I'm not even running....) Super cute new shoes and BAD about the blisters- hope you get that sorted out in the next couple weeks.
    Anyway- love your blog and run FAST on Marathon Monday!
