
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

DIY: Daily Calendar Journal

Oh Pinterest. I really want to not like you. Many days I feel that you're so over-rated.

Yet, I.Keep. Coming. Back.

Last December I cut up 365 index cards to make a daily calendar journal based on this idea that I saw posted on Pinterest. 

I've always kept some sort of a journal but never go back to read previous entries (perhaps my children  will enjoy reading them someday). This idea is different than a journal because you revisit each card every year, adding what you did on that particular day. You then put that card in the back and the next day's card is waiting for you!

I think it will be fun to see what things happen on my birthday each year!

Does anyone else keep a journal or record daily events? 

1 comment:

  1. I used to journal all through middle school. high school and some of college. It really got me through some adolescent hard times. And going back to read them, HA! so funny! But now I kinda use my blogs for that, though its not as personal it is nice to go back and see what I did, said, or liked in the past few years. I just cant keep up with a journal anymore, but I do have some blank books always handy just incase I feel the urge. Those little cards are so sweet, a very good idea. :)
