
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Running Motivation and Some Randomness

First off, I must clarify what I meant by a sentence in my last post regarding the runs I had last week. Tom texted me this morning saying that that sentence was his favorite. Just for your information, I was specifically referring to the mileage that I was running with my sneakers, not any other sort of runs. Hence the photo of my workouts for last week.

Moving on....

It was suuuuper hot today. The day started with this little guy waking me up around 4:30. I managed to half-sleep until 6:00 even though he was walking all over me and couldn't stop purring. And what do you know, as soon as my alarm rang his purr-box shut off and he was a peaceful kitty once more. Thanks Wilson....

I went back home (as in my hometown) for most of the day to get the oil changed in the car and to most importantly, hang out with my dad before the big move. We planted some plants in his veggie garden, ate pastries and ice cream (I am totally my parent's daughter) and washed all of our vehicles!

I then came home (this time I mean apartment) to....

RUN with Rachel!!

And yes, it was still about 88 degrees. But we had a plan: Park AT the CREEMEE stand so that when we finished we could eat ice cream!!

Talk about motivation for such a hot run! It made the time go by so fast and I barely noticed the sweat dripping off me because I knew what was ahead of us. I love the random things you think up when you're moving. They make your day so much more exciting! And it is probably a good idea that we hadn't thought of this sooner or else I would have had many more runs like this.

Knowing that I had already had a cupcake and some ice cream today, I decided to go with the black raspberry creemee - I mean, that must count for a serving of fruit, right?!

Finally, I must take one more moment to say that I always get a little depressed when this day of the year rolls around. Although I am extremely excited that this is the day in which we have the most daylight, it also means that it is the day in which each day following this day gets slightly less daylight. Which normally means that I immediately begin to fear October, the time when we set our clocks back and the daylight ends much sooner. Which then makes me fear the incredibly cold winters in Vermont, when there is practically no daylight (when I am not at work) and running seems impossible. However, this year I was not as depressed because I will not have to fear an incredibly cold Vermont winter since I am going to be heading down to a new place where I must now fear incredibly HOT summers! Yikes! That is all for today's randomness.

1 comment:

  1. oh but you will love running in DC in the winter! I went to Virgina (right outside of DC) one christmas to visit family and the weather was just PERFECT for running, 50 and 60 degrees and so nice. Though they have had more snow than us many a winter too, but it melts faster ;) This heat is brutal! Cant wait for the Freedom 5k, hopefully we will have a cool night!
