
Sunday, July 22, 2012

NYCM 2012: Week 3 Training Recap

Three weeks down, only fifteen more to go!

Total Miles for the Week: 39

This week's motto: Tired legs = good legs

I find myself repeating this throughout my runs. The legs are somewhat tired, but I know that this is because I'm not used to running 6 days a week. I also know that tired legs now will only mean better legs in the future. So I keep pushing. If I could do this before, I can surely do it again.

Monday: 4 miles. I was very tempted to take the day off of running, but managed to get my butt in gear in the afternoon and go for a 4 mile tempo run. I shouldn't have made it a tempo run but I couldn't resist. It happened. I got back home and did day 1 of my strength/core workout training. I did not properly refuel after the run, setting me up for some trouble on Tuesday.

Tuesday: 6.6 miles. A very slow, heavy-leg 10 minute warm up followed by intervals: 3 x 1600m (7:00) at 10k pace, with a 400m (2:00 minute) jog in between. This was followed by a 13 minute cool down back to the apartment. Thankfully the legs loosened up during the intervals. By the end I was very much looking for my rest day on Wednesday.

Thursday: 6 miles. I started off optimistic for the run. It was a cooler morning and I was coming off a rest day. The optimism met reality, and my run ended up being slower than planned. The legs were quite tired so I stuck to an average of 8:09/mile. Strength training just was not going to happen that day.

Friday: 7 miles. The legs were still tired and my unofficial average was 8:26/mile. I tired out a new route and after thinking I had made a wrong turn I wound up at the intersection I was looking for.

Saturday: 5.65 miles. I was in heaven today. It was drizzling out and it was 69 degrees! Apparently Tom and I are "not with the program" because we were the only ones wearing shorts and tank tops on the run. Everyone else had on capris and jackets. WHAT?! 69 is perfect running weather. My legs felt wonderful on the run and were shaking off that tired feeling! I came back to do a core workout.

Sunday: 10 miles. It was another cooler morning, making for better running weather. The (unofficial) average for the run was 8:05/mile which may be slower or faster than the actual splits. Tom met up with me for the last 20 minutes and we picked up the pace a little bit.

So what about my goals?
  1. Keep up with the strength training program: Fail. I did one day. Thankfully I did end up doing at least one day other day of core. 
  2. Follow the training program - no excuses: Check! That one is done!
  3. Find and go running with a running group: Fail. I found a few groups, but didn't go running with them. They either go at 6:30 am (nooooo way!) or 7:00 at night. Hmm... one of these days I WILL go.
  4. Properly refuel after runs: Check! I created a blueberry raspberry soy milk smoothie on Friday. Double check on Saturday when Tom and I made a blueberry pancake, scrambled egg, and bacon breakfast. It was a second breakfast for me, which I am totally all for. Sunday was a bagel and fruit salad.

Next Week's Goals:
1. Continue with the running program
2. Get in at least two days of core or strength training
3. Properly refuel after runs

1 comment:

  1. That smoothie looks yummy. Congrats on sticking w the plan despite a couple of tough days. I'm also trying to incorporate strength training and I really have to push myself to do it, lol. Great pace on the 10 miler! Have a great day! :)
