
Sunday, November 4, 2012

NYCM Training: Week 18 Recap -The Race that Wasn't

Although I didn't get to run the race, I'll finish the week with my traditional recap.

Total Weekly Mileage: 32 miles

Monday: Rest day. Hurricane Sandy made an appearance in DC

Tuesday: 5 miles at 7:47 pace
Sandy had left, but it was still raining a little when I went out. Yet, I loooved the run. It felt like November days in Vermont. Cold, rainy, wet, and cloudy. Ha! Never thought I would miss that. I actually didn't see much damage, just a few branches down and a bunch of leaves everywhere.

Wednesday: 4.4 miles at 7:57 pace
I ran a little at practice, then a few more miles when I got home. I ran through neighborhoods, forgetting that I would see all the trick-o-treaters and instantly become jealous of them. Every year I kick myself for not renting someone's kids for Halloween. I miss the days of free candy! Oh wait, you wanted to hear about my run? Not my candy addiction? Run went OK but my right quad/hamstring was bothering me a lot. I decided that taking the rest of the week off may be necessary in order to run the marathon and stay in one piece.

Thursday: rest day

Friday: rest day and day I'd like to forget.... still not happy that the cancellation came this late.

Saturday: 10.1 miles at 8:19 pace
I ran almost 6 miles with the team then came home to run a few more. It was a chilly morning and my body was exhausted. There was no way it was ready to run a marathon. Perhaps the cancellation was good for me. I definitely ran too many miles last week and my legs would have been in rough shape for 26 miles.

Sunday: 12 miles at 7:47 pace.
This should have been race morning, but it turned into a longish-run morning. It was weird to go out for a regular run. I am not quite sure how to taper again after already doing a taper, so I may make up the next two weeks on my own. Because of this, I decided to do more than what my training program called for, but didn't want to do too much because of my quad/hamstring. It was a chilly 50 degrees, but thankfully the sun was out. I was a little cold the whole time, but managed to still run at a quick pace. I really hope I can run this pace during the real deal.


This would have been the time in which I shared my thoughts on the training program I used. I loved following this plan, but still have no clue how it will feel when I'm actually in a marathon. I also don't know how a 2 week delay will affect me since I haven't run a really long run in a few weeks. I can tell you one thing though, I have never felt in such better shape. I feel like I put in more effort over the last few months than I did during college-training, although I was definitely missing the weight lifting aspect that could have boosted my endurance and strength. 

We'll have to wait two more weeks to find out how well the plan worked out for me!

1 comment:

  1. Nice week girl and your times are great! Hope your quad/hammie is feeling better and so glad you're going to be running 26.2 in a couple're going to be great no matter. :) hope you're enjoying the extra hour today. :)
