
Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'll Call it a Success

This week was a success. I had the most productive running week in weeks!

Weekly Total: 17 miles

My weekly mileage is not what I thought I would be running at this time back in December. However, I am happy about those miles considering that I wasn't running at all last week. 

Monday: 2 miles at 8:05 pace
I had the day off of school and a PT appointment schedule for later in the day. Even though I had some pain in my leg before the run, I went out anyway. Was so happy to get rid of the pain within the first minute and a half and had a great time being out there once more. I was really shocked at the ability to run pain-free again. 

Tuesday: 2 miles at 8:02 pace
Ran a super-cautious run. I was very worried that I was going to be too ambitious by running two days in a row. I didn't feel any pain, but my leg was pretty tight from the PT appointment. I made sure to foam roll and ice as soon as I got home. 

Wednesday: 3 miles at 7:36 pace
I'm not sure why I picked up the pace on my third day of running, but I felt awesome. It was quite cold for DC and very windy. Lately all of my runs start with me heading out into the wind, so I wasn't able to warm up until I turned around and was heading home. My leg was still tight and it was on this night that Tom ordered me to take a day off. He was also worried that I was being too ambitious. 

Thursday: Off

Friday: 4 miles 
A co-worker and I motivated each other to go for a run after school. I would never have gone out there if it wasn't for her. It wasn't raining when we started, but it started to rain, and even hail, by the mid-point. We stopped at another co-worker's house for a bit then bummed a ride back to school so that we wouldn't have to run back. We're hoping that we can make this a weekly occurrence!

Saturday: off

Sunday: It was 50 and sunny. A great day for a run. Was super happy to run 5.6 miles. Took it slower (8:01 pace) and could not believe how out of shape I felt. I have been consuming much less water on a daily basis ever since January and I really need to get back in the habit of drinking more water. 

I'm hoping next week will be just as great and that I can continue to increase my daily mileage. I really want to get in a few double-digit runs before the 10 mile race at the start of March, but I don't want to increase mileage so quickly that I get re-injured.


  1. Hooray! What a fantastic week! I'm so excited for you! Make sure to ease back into it and just have fun and let it all be easy!

    1. Thanks! It's so great to be back out there but you're right, I have to be careful.

  2. Great week, keep it up and you will be to where you were running in no time. :-)

    1. Thanks! I love being able to run again. The injury has taught me to be smarter about training and to be more patient. I definitely look forward to being faster and in better shape than I am now.
