
Sunday, August 4, 2013

NYCM 2013 Training: Week 5 Recap

The mileage has increased once again! Even though I was running more, I felt my strongest this week. I also seemed to have rid myself of whatever stomach problem I was having last week, and continued to eat cleaner during the week.

Total Weekly Mileage: 49 Miles

Monday: 6 miles at 7:31 pace
Now that its much cooler in DC I'm able to sleep in longer or take my time in the morning before having to head out. This was supposed to be an easy day but having only done miles the day before, I was ready to pick up the pace some. I was also day-dreaming of smoothies the whole time.

Tuesday: 9.25 mile Track Workout (7:43 pace), followed by squats, lunges, and leg rehab
2.5 Mile warm-up and 5x1000s at goal pace of 3:55-4:00. Actual Splits: 4:00, 4:00, 4:01, 3:57, 3:53. It's getting much easier to run these workouts now that I only have 5 reps (versus 12 400s!). It's also nice to finish strong and faster than what I started at. 2.5 Mile cool-down.

1.9 Mile Shakeout in the PM at 7:53 pace
Expected to meet up with some XC kiddos at the park for a Fun Run but there was a tennis competition and I never found the kids. Not sure if they ever showed up, but I hung around for a bit before heading home. Legs felt surprisingly refreshed from the AM run. Must be all that clean eating and smoothie making!

Wednesday: rest day

Tempo Thursday: 6.3 mile tempo at 7:22 pace, followed arm workout
Ran this route faster than last week's tempo, which is a good sign. I finish by running up hill for a good half mile, including one SUPER STEEP section. The legs definitely got a workout. Was a cloudy, damp, 70 degree day that reminded me of fall. What on Earth is going on with this weather?

Friday: 7.3 miles at 7:52 pace, followed by jump squats and core work. 
Although I had little sleep the night before, I felt really good, especially my legs. Headed down through Rock Creek. I love how peaceful it is if you can drown out the morning cars going to work.

Saturday: 6 miles at 7:27 pace
It sprinkled a few times but I didn't mind the clouds out there. The cooler weather continues in DC, making it possible to enjoy an afternoon run. I am still surprised at how strong my legs are feeling on my runs.

Sunday: 12 miles at 7:48 pace
Pretty much the ideal running day: Sunny with a breeze, and not a cloud in the sky! Was a cool 74 degrees. I headed down to Rock Creek to run in the shade and every other runner seemed to have the same idea. It is so awesome to see so many folks working out on a  beautiful morning. Today was supposed to be an easy run and numerous times I found myself running too fast and had to slow down.

Another week in the books and only 90 days until race day!


  1. We had a huge weather change this last week and cooled off a lot and then we had a lot of rain. Wasn't a fan of the rain so much, but the cooler weather was nice for running! Nice weekly mileage. So close to 50!

    1. Thanks! That's too bad that it was a little too wet for you, but that cool weather is a great change! Hopefully you get a sunnier week this week!

  2. You had such a kick ass week! I know the feeling of needing to force myself to slow down on easy runs....I can't help it sometimes!

  3. You go girl! Ok just reading about your workout routine is exhausting me :) Wow! Ok, I totally want to know what that purple smoothie is. It looks yummy! I'm assuming it has blueberries in it :) xoxo, Jackie

    1. I am addicted to this smoothie - 1 banana, frozen pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries, some vanilla almond milk, and a little vanilla Vega Protein powder. It's so good after a run!
