
Sunday, February 9, 2014

In Brief

While I had a running-filled weekend with some speedy runners that served as motivation to get my butt in gear, I once again did not have the best week of training. Each time I'm on a run that is not going well I automatically sigh a heavy sigh, knowing that I have to come on here to report another week of (what I think of) failure.

For my own sake, and perhaps yours, as a reader, I decided not to post a weekly recap for this week of Boston training. I'll write again when there is sometime positive to share.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself! You have such a strong base - perspective often helps to amp up training!

  2. Once again, I am with you. I attempted a 10 miler yesterday and it ended up being a 3.5 miler. NONE of the sidewalks were plowed or shoveled or anything, and I run along a lot of busy it was only 15 degrees. At first I was really hard on myself and disappointed that I didn't even finish half of it. But then I remembered that this is a new week, and there are a lot of people who wouldn't even consider exercising outdoors in the cold, and I gave myself a pat on the back just for getting out there.

    1. You rock Mongie! Yes! You do deserve a pat. You got out there and tried it but weather took over and you can't control that. I guess one way to think positive is to remind ourselves that everyone is going through the same thing right now and winter running is tough.

    2. SO TOUGH. I think I cried (or maybe just automatic tears from the cold) during the first two miles of my run Saturday. I just keep reminding myself that some day it will be sunny and warm again. I hope.

  3. Yes!!! And now I give YOU a pat on the back, Danielle!!!! We are teachers and runners, a recipe for people who beat themselves up way more than anyone else in the world ever will. I think we have to remind each other that it's OKAY to have an off-day, off-week or even an off-season. Getting out the door in this crap is enough for us to earn medals and trophies!!

    1. SOOO TRUE Mongie! I needed those words to put things into perspective. I guess I've been comparing my life to bloggers who don't have a demanding job like us - and I just can't do that. We give up a lot - but it's totally worth not running to do what we do for the kids. Thank you for all of your encouragement :)

  4. Keep your head up. Training is hard right's winter and cold and crappy weather and so much going on. You are not alone. You are a strong runner and it will come, hopefully the weather gets a little better soon I know that will give a boost.

    1. Thank you Laura for the encouragement! It's tough but we just have to get through it.
